Warning this is my safe place! This is the one place I feel free to talk about my feelings. So if that isn't what you are looking for then this part of my site isn't for you.
NOTE: Most of these posts had images but have since broken. So they no longer have them.
Mood: Happy
Hi! Hi! Hi! How is it going? Hope you are doing well! I've been pretty good!! I finish the vn for my bf! It came out pretty cute! I really hope he likes it. :3c I also started working on an update for my vtuber model! I have been spending the past few days learning some new stuff for rigging in Live2d and I really can't wait to try it out on my model! I'm still (as of writing this) working on the sketch for the new model but it is already truning out so cute!! (I'll post some wip pics hehe) If I really like how everything comes out I might start doing commissions for them! As for stuff I did today, we went to Costco. It was my first time buying stuff in one (something other than pizza) and I was pretty cool. I got a big box of Sanrio boba.
Mood: Happy
Omg! Hi! I hope yall are doing well! I have been working! Other than the commissions I was working on, I've been working on a Valentine's Day gift for my BF. It's a visual novel! I had to learn how to use Renpy to make it but tbh it was pretty easy! I won't be posting it online cause it is just for my stinky man but I will share a screenshot! I've been putting a lot of work into so I really hope he likes it.
Mood: Happy
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Hope yall are doing well!! I have been doing alright. It feels like it has been forever! I have been just so busy working!! (—ㅁ—) I have also been having some health problems but they probably aren't anything too bad. Christmas was pretty fun this year! I got some anime figures and some other things. I also got to go to Miniso! I bought myself a lot of 3 Gloomy Bear plushies for like $40 so that was cool! ^^ Okay! Okay! Back to talking about the site. I feels kinda nice to work on it again (even if it is only a few small things). I plan on updating more if I have the free time and my brain will let me. ALSO! I have been reading all of the nice things you guys have been saying about the site and it really means a lot! This has always been something that I wanted to make for myself and to see so many people say that they love it makes me so happy!! Okay that's all for now! Fingers crossed that we all have a good year! ^^
Mood: Happy
Hey! How is it going? Hope yall are doing well! I have been feeling a lot better. I finished up the last vtuber commission I had and have been working on some of my own stuff. I updated my persona! YIPPEE!! It came out pretty cute! Other than that we went out of the house yesterday. :3 I got to go to Five Below and we went thrifting. I got some cute halloween stickers and a vintage jacket. We also had to stop by Walmart (bleh) and I picked up some camera film. I got a instax mini 8 like over a year ago at the goodwill outlet and never tested it (till now). It thankfully works so that's cool!
Mood: Meh
Hi. Hope yall are doing well. I am doing okay I guess. My roommate's cat died today so that really sucked. He was an old cat (19 almost 20) and wasn't doing to good so the vet had to put him down. :'( It going to be so weird not see him around the house but I think it was for the best. Poor little man.
Well before all that stuff happened was day was kinda alright I mostly just spent today working on commissions and stuff. I'm happy with how it is coming along but I also can't wait to be done with only based on the fact that I am just so. burnt. out. I had to do two vtuber models back to back and also do my normal commissions on top of that. I have just had a lot going on today. I hope that tommorrow is better.
Mood: A little stressed
Hai!! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ ) Hope yall are doing well!! I doing pretty okay. Going to be pretty busy for a little bit cause I have vtuber commissions to work on. It hasn't been too bad but my back feels awful! (╥﹏╥) It's mostly cause a have been shrimping over my drawing tablet for hours. On another note, We are going out today to get food!! YIPPEE!!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´- I got dressed up all cute! I know it's kinda dumb to get all dressed up to go grocery shopping but it makes me happy. :3 Also, I took a dumb little pic of myself. (this is how I would take pics of myself back in like 2012 lol)
Mood: Okay
Hai! ^^ How is it going!? Hope yall are doing well! I've been doing pretty alright! I finally got the drive to draw again (kinda). I have mostly just been playing around with artstyle but it has been pretty fun! Also EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I can't wait for October!!! AAAAAAAAA It is one of my fav times of year!!!!!!!! I love halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood: Okay
Hi!! I'm back! (kinda) I have still been kinda burnt out but I still want to try to keep my page updated. Splatoon update! Big Eun was fun! I got gold so that is so cool. Grand Fest was also pretty fun! The love what they did to the lobby and I had a great time playing with my stinky man. My splatfest tee also finally shipped (after splatfest is over :( so sad). I went to see a movie with my bf like the other day and that was cool! I had a good time and the movie was good! Other than that stuff I have been doing alright. Just kinda been here. I had a break down the other day but I am doing better.
Mood: Okay
Playing splatoon 3 be back soon! ^^
Mood: Okay
Hello gamers! How is it going? I'm okay. I got back into playing Hello Kitty Dream Village (it's pretty fun and gives me something to do). Also we went to the mall a few days ago. I had a pretty good time! I got some new sanrio figures and something for my desk. :3 We are also good on money now. YIPPEE!! We have money for food now!! I haven't really done anything other than that lol.
Mood: Okay
Hey. How it it going? Hope yall are doing well! I doing a bit better. I cleaned my room (I still have some dish on the floor lol oops) and I finally got myself a little bit back together. Starting to take commissions again and I might do more adopts. My bf and I have to make like $500. HHHH that is so much money! I have gotten 2 commissions so far so fingers crossed that I can make enough cash. I did a money break down with mark so we know how much we need and for what. At the very least we need like $200 for food cause our room mates are leaving for about 10 days and we don't have a car. The other stuff is for upcoming event so it's not like we NEED to do those thing but it would be nice to do them. We have both been feeling awful. So fingers crossed that we can do it! ^^;
Mood: hhhhh
HHHHHHHH my brain is back to being fried. My room is a mess. I got clothes and dishes all over the place. I also can't draw like at all rn. HHH I hate this feeling!! I wish my stupid little peepee brain would pull itself back together. Other than having the biggest pee brain known to man rn I got a new Peepy in the mail today. I got Pinkpy. I've wanted to get them for a good bit so it's nice to finally have them. That's about all that is going on with me. Just super burnt out.
Mood: Happy
Howdy! It has been a bit! (sorry) I have been doing a lot of work like all of July. I'm so happy that I finally have a little bit of time to relax. I've finally got back into making flipnotes on Sudomemo. :3 My page! I also got a new peepy coming in the mail!! YIPPEE!!!! I ordered a pinkpy cause I have wanted one for so long. I can't wait for the new ones to come out! ^^ Other than that I haven't really been doing much. :3
Mood: Happy
Hi!! How is it going? Hope yall are doing well! I'm doing pretty good. I have been kinda just living off of the commission money I got. I bought food twice, got to get some stuff at Five Below, preordered splatoon amiibos and a splatfest tshirt. I also have a clothing rack coming in the mail today that I have to build (I got a pink one hehe) cause the new bedroom doesn't have a closet. Oh I also made another splatoon oc hehe.
Mood: Okay
Hey! Sorry that's been like a week since I was last on! I have had a lot going on. I was working on a big commission and now I am working on a vtuber rigging commission. Mark also wanted to flip two of the rooms around so I had to move a bunch of heavy stuff and I hurt my back. Other than all that I had made plans to go to Cicis pizza today and a few other things but then my roommates started fighting so now we aren't going. Also, like half of the money that I made for the big commission is going to food so that also kinda sucks. TBH I just wanted to have a fun day today but I guess not. I feel so overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do. Like I feel bad for just taking a break to play Splatoon or Animal Crossing. Idk maybe my peepee brain is just being dumb again.
Mood: Happy
Hi!!! How is it going? I'm doing really well! We went thrifting yesterday and I got some plushies! At first the day wasn't going great cause I spilled matcha on my My Melody jsk :( but then I was like I don't want to let this ruin my day. After that I got so many compliments on my outfit and I even had a nice lady pay for two of my sanrio plushies. She said that she loved my outfit and that I looked like a doll. I also had some little kids come up to me and let me that they liked my outfit and they gave me a drawing of My Melody. Also, I did get the matcha out of my jsk! It's actually wild how much of a good day I had. Well that is enough of what happened yesterday. Today I plan on working on Artfight stuff. ٩(^ᗜ^ )و (if I don't get burnt out) At 6 sonic speed sim test server is up and I'm going to see what is new theeeeeen at 8 is summer splatfest starts. I might try cleaning up my room before doing all of that but idk. :P
Mood: Happy
Hi! How are yall doing? I'm pretty alright! I've been a bit busy with drawing and stuff. This is my first time doing artfight! YIPPEE!! I'll share it here if you guys want to check out the art I have been making. (link here) I picked team seafoam! I have also been working on the vtuber commission. I should hopefully start working on the rigging soon. :3 Other than drawing I have also been playing splatoon! The summer splatfest is coming up soon so I have spent today grinding shells. ^^ (I picked team theme park)
Mood: Happy
Howdy! How is it going? Hope everything is going well! I've been pretty good! We got groceries today. Aldi had some crazy deals on meat so I got to get a thing of salmon!! I also picked up some stuff to make bunny cinnamon rolls! They came out pretty cute!! I also got all of my packages in the mail! All the stuff I got is so cute! (My fav thing I got is the kaomoji miku plush :3c ) I am also pretty tired rn cause I am still trying to fix my sleep schedule.
Mood: Happy
Hey!! How is it going?! I've been pretty alright! I have mostly just been working on the Vtuber commission that I got. Today I put some vocaloid music on my ipod and I worked out (first time in what feels like forever). I really should work out more since I like never leave the house. (I'm a neet loser) We are also prob getting food and going to Five Below soon! Yippee!! I'm going to pick up some more stickers cause I have a little sticker collecting problem. >:3c Also, I keep seeing on tiktok that people have penpals that they send stationery and cute stickers and stuff to eachother. I love that idea! I would do something like that but I am SO BAD at talking to people. ૮₍•᷄ ࡇ •᷅₎ა OH! My packages that I ordered are going to be here fro July 5th to the 8th! I can't wait! I always love getting packages in the mail cause it gives me something to look forward to. (I know that sounds sad but like it makes me happy so \_(ツ)_/)
Mood: Okay
Hey! How's it going? Hope yall are doing well! I've been alright! I got a vtuber commission that I am working on! Yippee!! I also may have bought myself a few things hehe. >:3c I'll post some pic below. OH! I also have been working on a little coding project. I'll prob show it off here when it is done. :3c
Mood: Okay
Hi! How is it going? I've been alright. I was feeling very BLEH for a bit but I am a bit better now. Been spending a lot of time hanging out with my bf and playing Animal Crossing. My room is a huge mess cause I haven't been spending that much time in here. (I should prob clean it soon :p ) But like other than that stuff I haven't really done much.
Mood: Okay
Hello! How is it going? I have been alright. We went to the international market yesterday! I got some Calbee chips and Hello Kitty apple juice! I also actually made something cute it Blender!!! I really wanted to make something that was low poly and I did?!?! My first try (the first gif) I made the model in Paint3d and brought it into Blender. It looked cute but wasn't really what I wanted. :/ My second try (the second gif) I was like "FUCK IT" and sat down and tried my best to learn it and it came out pretty good! I did mess up a few times (as you can see from the textures) but I am pretty happy with how it looks! I might mess around and make more hehe. :3c Also the character is a little chao I doodled just for this.
Mood: Fine??
Hi! How are yall? I've been okay. I have been spending a lot of time playing Animal Crossing and working on building up my island. I have also been looking into doing low poly 3d models and uhhhhhhhhh blender makes my brain hurt. This is like my 10th time trying to do this so uhhhhhhhhhh wish me luck. haha. Small update: Blender didn't go well :(
Mood: Okay??
Hey! How's it going? Hope yall are doing well. I have been...okay?? I guess?? I have been wanting to draw but now I am so burnt out that just I don't know what to do with myself. I figured that playing Animal Crossing would help me get out of it but I opened up the game and just didn't know what to do. :/ So I made the hard decision of restarting my island. This was an island that I had since the game came out, one that I had made a ton of memories on. Idk I just hope that I don't hate myself for doing it later.
Mood: Happy
Hi!! Happy Pride Month!! Hope yall are having a good day! I've been pretty good! The Mall was fun and I actually had a pretty good time! I got some pretty cute stuff at Miniso and Goodwill.(I posted them in pics) I also had a pretty good day today too. We went to Aldi and got some food so Mark could make a big dinner. :3 I also made some cute art today hehe. I'll share it here but I also plan on putting it on my art page. I still have to draw something for pride month cause I do like every year. Not 100% sure what I want to do yet but yeah.
Mood: Meh
EEE! Hi! How's it going!? I've been okay. I have been having one of those moments but on the upside I get to go out tommorrow! We are going to the Mall and Miniso! I made a few iDog adopts so I could have a little bit of extra cash before we go. OH YEAH! My Madoka figure came in the other day and she is so cute! Oh ummm... what else. Uhhhhhh. I have been feeling so gross for the past few days. Like I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I have just been feeling so BLEHHHH. ૮₍•᷄ ࡇ •᷅₎ა HHHHHH I HATE THAT FEELING! I'm sure stuff will get better but man. _(:‚‹」∠)_ That's kinda why we are going out tommorrow. Mark figured it would make me happy. With my luck Miniso wont be open and the gachapon machines will be out of order again. It feels like it happen everytime we go. Maybe I'll take pics when I am out. OH S**T! I still don't know what I am going to wear! Should I dress cute or dress cozy?! Like maybe I should dress cute with cozy shoes so my feet don't hurt all day? My feet swell up when I stand for too long so maybe it would be a good idea. I hope whatever I come up with is cute. I guess that all for now. I don't really leave the house so uhhh yeahh. Bye!
Mood: Happy
Hi! How's it going? I've been pretty good! We went to get tea the other day. It was so good! We also stopped to get a few blind bags (I didn't pull anything that I wanted). That day we also stopped at a goodwill and I found some pretty cute plushies and two old pokemon books. Other than going out I have been working on putting my room back together. Everything is finally put back! Thank god cause I hated how empty it was. :P Not a ton else has happened over the past few days. It's mostly just been cleaning and playing roblox.
Mood: Eepy
Man! I am so eepy today! Just came here to give some little updates. I did buy the Madoka figure that I wanted and with the other little bit of cash I'm going to go get some tea and blind bags. :3 Not sure what day we are going to do that but I figured that it would be fun. On another note, I didn't end up playing splatfest with Mark. I did play a little bit on my own tho. My team lost again but I'm not that mad about it cause Frye finally got another win. (I am so happy for her!) We are also going to aldi again today so we can pick up a few things so I got all pretty. I'm wearing my My Melody lolita jsk. It's like my fav dress so I like to wear it a lot. I have also been putting me rrom back together. I think I said this before but I moved a few posters and things to help fill everything out more. I will for sure have to share so pics on here when I am done.
Mood: Happy
Hey! How's it going? I've been pretty good! Been doing a lot of cleeaning over the past few days so that we could spray the carpet. It feels so weird not having all my stuff in my room! Other than taking care of the carpet stuff we have started eating healthier! So that is pretty cool! We have also been playing a bit of Roblox (Sonic Speed Sim and Hello Kitty Cafe) and we are both playing Splatoon for splatfest. So plans have changed for what I want to get myself I guess. I have to buy Mark more vape stuff so I can only get myself something kinda small. I might still get myself a figure but now I don't know. HHHHHH It's alway so hard picking thing cause like what if I'm not happy with it. I know it's a dumb thing to worry about but I do this every time I want to buy myself something.
Mood: Okay
Omg! I did it! I finished two vtuber models in about a week! (art and rigging) Not just that but I also did a skeb commission on top of that! That means I only have one commission left to work on! YIPPEE!!! Right now I am working on a little bit of personal art cause I think I earned it. I'm working on a little something for neocities hehe. >:3c OH! I also made two iDog adopts if you want to check them out here. I worked on them between commissions cause I didn't want to get burnt out. It kinda worked?!? Uhhh other than that my room is like a huge mess right now. I had to put all my plushies into bags cause I found stinky little carpet beetles in my room! EW! >:( Listen bugs are cool and all but NOT WHEN THEY ARE EATING MY STUFF! So yeah my room is super empty right now so we can take care of that. Not really sure how they got in tho. Oh yeah back on the art thing, I want to make a new splatoon page cause it is my current obsession. So...I'm making art for that! :3c
Mood: Happy
Omg hi! How ya doing? I have been mostly working for the past few days. I finished one of the vtuber commissions that I was working on. YIPPEE! It's nice to have money (most of the cash has to go to food tho). If I have some extra cash I'm going to buy myself a little treat. It is either going to be cute strawberry crocs or maybe an anime figure. :3c I have been working very hard on commissions too so I think I earned a treat. I also got Mark a gift. One of my online friends was selling his yugioh cards and when I saw his post I was like, "I need to get those for Mark". It was also only like $10 so it was worth it hehe. I wish that I could get him more gifts so I can show him how much I love him. I know that you can show love in other ways but I already do that. I would give him the world if I could but the best I can do is give him my all. Sorry if that got to sappy. He just means a lot to me.
Mood: Happy
Hi! Hope yall are doing well! I'm doing pretty well. Just got a vtuber commission so I'm going to be working on that for the next few days. I'm also working on another iDog adopt (it's frutiger aero themed). I have actually did the sketch for it like uhhh maybe over a month ago. So yeah! Cool stuff. On another note, my state is under tornado watch again. I didn't know this but the other day we got like 7 tornados?! I guess it was on the other side of the state cause the weather here wasn't that bad. Oh umm Mark and I played roblox last night and I think I found him the next game he is going to get super into. The game is called Pet Simulator 99, I know it is pretty popular but we have never played it. The only reason that we started play was cause I saw the backrooms event thing that they have going on and I was like, "that looks neat do you want to try it out?" (or something like that). Turns out he really likes it. It's not really my kinda game but I don't mind playing it. :3 After I'm done working on commissions I might work on fixing parts of the website (if I am still feeling up to it after). Who knows maybe I will even make some new pages. >:3c
I've been thinking about made making a cute little splatoon page for my octoling or something hehe. I have been super into drawing them (mostly in my sketchbook). They make me so happy!! Might do some more digital drawings of them. OH YEAH! Another thing, We are going to Chili's tomorrow. I haven't been out to a restaurant in so long so I am kinda excited??? The only reason we are going is cause my dad sent us a gift card (thank you dad!).
Mood: Happy
I'm back!! How is it going? It feels like it has been forever since I have been on here! So fun updates time! I got a new keyboard in today (I spilt tea on my old one). The new one is My Melody themed and I L-O-V-E it!! I also had my birthday (it was on the 23rd of april). I got a ton of cool stuff for my birthday too! I have also gotten my boyfriend into playing Splatoon. It's so nice to have another person to play with! I drew our octoling too. :3c Everything feels like it is going much better now.
Mood: Fine
Hi. It's been a bit. I'm still alive (kinda). Sorry I really haven't updated a lot. I got super burnt out after all of my images and stuff broke so I haven't really wanted to work on the site at all. I also haven't had a lot going on in my life (the days kinda blur together). I uhhh...updated my sona so umm that's cool.
Mood: Okay
Hi! I've been playing a lot of splatoon lately. It feels like it has been forever since I have been super into playing splatoon. I beat the dlc (side order) and I really liked it! :3 It also gave me one of my new fav head gear. Like the pearl plushie headband is soooo cute!!! I made a splatpost and have been playing Big Run. It's really nice to get back into the game cause I really enjoy playing it. I have also been working on commissions. The most recent person to commission me gave me a big tip!!! ( THANK YOU SO MUCH OMG OMG :0c ) We also lost power and it didn't come back on till like 11pm. Oh yeah and Mark's birthday was on the 5th so Gulfy came to visit.
Mood: Good
I deleted my twitter and made a new one :3c
Mood: Good
The model is done!! Yes, I did get the art and rigging done in one day. (I don't know why I do these things to myself lol) I am pretty happy with how it came out! I'm for sure going to add more to it later but for now it is good. I did a little promo video (i guess that's what you could call it idk) it's pretty cute. I'm feeling a little better than the other day I think that working on stuff really helps me keep my mind off stuff. I guess that really all I have to talk about for now. lol
Mood: Fine
Hi! how's it going? Hope yall are doing well! Sorry for not writing much this month. I have been having a very bad depression spike but I am feeling a little bit better now. I have been working on a updated vtuber model. (not sure if I will use it or not. i guess it depends on how it comes out) I like it so far but I am also still only on the sketch. I did a few tests with it to see if I liked the body that I came up with and they look pretty good so if I am happy with how my model comes out I might do vtuber commissions again. I also did a super quick test rig for it and it came out pretty good. :3c
Mood: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Been very stressed and depressed.
Mood: Okay
Hey! How's it going? I've been okay! The weather over the past few days has been pretty awful. It's been like -3°F (about -19°C) here. It has been so bad the the pipe in the bathroom froze and that the car won't start. Other than the weather I have been doing Valentine's Day YCH and I made a few Worm on a String adopts. I posted both of my adopts on Toyhouse like I normally do and I got a comment on the Inch Worm one that I don't know how to feel about??? It said "o they are kinda like mine lol (link to the one they made)" like I don't know if they are trying to say that I stole there design or if they really just thought it was funny that we both came up with similar designs. IDK?? Putting together two things that I like isn't the most original idea like what I did with Inch Wormby. (Inch Wormby is what inspired me to make Inchworm on a String) Lol whatever I guess. No hate to them tho it's just really hard to get tone for text. I also made a Poison Sucklet girl cause it's fun. (I still haven't named her) I'm also still waiting on my Itemlabel package to ship. (I hope I get it soon!!)
Mood: Happy
TODAY IS THE DAY!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So like today we are going to the Goodwill Outlet and... ITEMLABEL IS DOING A NEW PLUSH DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get to get One OuiOui and one Peepy (or other plush of the same price) AND I AM SO PUMPED OMG!!! Like I have seen a little bit of the new stuff that is coming out and OMG!!! NEW OUIOUI SERIES Y!!! I will come back and update with what I get and the outlet and Itemlabel. Also fingers crossed that I find some super cute stuff today! :3c UPDATE 1: Goodwill Outlet sucked. :( Didn't really find anything. All I got was a pair of pjs that is pink with black hearts on them and a black turtle neck that SAID THAT IT WAS A SIZE M BUT I TRIED IT ON AND IT'S LIKE A SIZE XS YES I AM MAD ABOUT IT. Like I got it so I could replace my old one that is falling apart. The Itemlabel thing is at 1 so fingers crossed that it goes well. UPDATE 2: I GOT THEM YIPPEE!!! Adding this update kinda late cause after I bought them I passed out. So I didn't get a full sized plush cause I saw something that I wanted a little more. I got 1 series 4, 1 series y and THEY MADE A DINGLE BLIND BOX??!?!?! So I had to get that one. Dinkle is one of my favs so I need a tiny cute one of him. (I also didn't see that they restocked pinkpy cause I totally would have gotten one) I'm hoping that I get the pink plaid ouioui and the strawberry dingle. I don't really know what I want from series y cause it doesn't show what is in it one the side.
Mood: Could be better
I found some spare cord so I finally got my gamecube hooked up!! I played Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue and Pac-Man Fever (will also prob play Animal Crossing later). Hello Kitty: Roller Rescue is cute! The camera kinda sucks but I get a cute magical girl Hello Kitty so I don't really mind! Now Pac-Man Fever.... OMG WHY IS THIS GAME SO HARD????? How the fuck did I play this as a kid???? Like I was fighting for my life the whole time. Not much to write today cause I don't want to bum yall out with my depressing ass thoughts.I'll be fine I just need to get my mind off of stuff. :3
Mood: Okay
Hey guys!! How's it going? Sorry about not updating for like a week! I was taking a small break! (Also kinda hard to update when you don't do a ton) I have been pretty alright over the past few days. I started a crow journal. I only have two pages done but it is a nice place for me to put little note a stickers and other cute things! I also posted on tiktok cause I wanted to do a cute little trend with my bf. It was fun but I did get my first "Hello Kitty girl" (derogatory) comment. ( ̄︿ ̄) Other than that I have been hanging out with Mark. We have been working on fixing his Windows XP and Windows 98. He is really smart (he totally didn't tell me to say that lol) He asked me if I wanted his other Windows XP and I told him that I only want it if I can get a cute monitor and stuff to go with it. I want it to match my room if I get one. ALSO! Rare Bunny pic cause I look really cute today!!!! Like I cut my bangs and did my makeup and stuff!! Another weird thing, I have been thinking about getting into felt crafting. I think it would be fun to make my own little keychains and stuff!
Mood: Happy
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! So I didn't really do anything for New Years but we did get MSN working!! So I have been send Mark messages on it!! (he is on his windows xp) It's pretty cool!! We also went to the gas station to get some snacks! >:3c I'm also almost done with Super Princess Peach! (It's super cute and fun) I have about two worlds left to do. I also streamed today. It went okay! It started off pretty slow but after about 30 min. people started showing up. I'm prob going to make a rule that an account has to be so-and-so amount of time old or I'll ban it. Pretty tired of having to deal with burner accounts. The setup I had for the stream was cool tho!
Mood: Tired
Happy New Year's Eve!! How's it going? I'm doing okay. (Not like sad or anything) Mostly just my body hurts lol. I hate moving stuff around it always makes my back and hips hurt like a ton. (⋟﹏⋞) Other than moving stuff I was working on getting the new UGC for Hello Kitty Cafe. (I got it btw ^^) Also if you haven't seen, I did update the layout of the links page! It look so much better now! Still have a few updates on my list that I need to work on. Hopfully I will have the will to do them soon. :3c Oh yeah! I should prob come up with a new year's resolution! Maybe I could talk to people more or ummmm...work out more??? IDK! Maybe I don't need one cause I know I'm not going to keep to it. OH! Another thing I was going to bring up! I was thinking about making a page for my pokemon pinkdex. I've been working on catching every pink pokemon in scarlet/violet! (even shiny pokemon) If it's pink It will be mine!!!!
Mood: Happy
Hey! It's been over a week. How have you been? I've been pretty busy with holiday stuff. We did end up going to the mall again. I didn't get a ton of stuff but what I got was pretty cute. Christmas was pretty good! We opened some gifts and played some games. Spin got me the Lego Bonsai tree! (I LOVE that the cherry blossom one has pink frogs on it!!) I also got my DS Lite to work again!! YIPPEE!!! Now that it's working I can put cute stickers on it! >:3c I'm thinking about updating the layout of a few of my pages. (mostly the links page cause it is very plain) Also, I made a deal with my bf that I would help him move stuff around in his room and clean the game room. What am I getting out of it? Well... I'm getting 1 peepy (or other plush of same price), 1 ouioui blind bag, and $30. Hehe can't wait!
Mood: Okay
Well ummm... So we did go to the mall today and that was cool and all but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Miniso was closed. :/ We checked to make sure that they would be open before we went and it said that they opened at 11 today we showed up a little after 11 and waited and waited and they never opened. So we are going to go back on Thursday. I am not sure happy about that cause it is going to be super close to Christmas so the mall is going to be H E L L but I really want to go but I also don't want to get stressed out cause of all the people!! ˙◠˙ On the upside I did get a few cute things at the mall today.
Mood: Okay
So I was right in think that we aren't going to the mall today. On the upside, our roommates aren't fighting anymore (I think). But yeah, Mark's money didn't come in today (a little sad but not much I can do about it). Mark said that we can do the Mall this weekend. It's going to suck a little cause a ton of people are going to be at the mall but a least I still get to go. Other than that I have just been playing Pokemon with Mark and watching YouTube videos. I'm just going to try and take it easy today, maybe work on a few things.
Mood: Stressed
So um yeah. A lot less excited this time lol. So I might not be going to the mall tomorrow. Part of it is because Mark's paycheck hasn't come in yet and part cause my roommates have been fighting. So the past day or so has been a little stressful. Can't go into detail on it cause it's not my place to say but yeah. So Mark and I have been trying to figure out how to get everything fixed so I can get a job again. On another note, I made some adopts and opened up my comms so that I could make a little more cash for our trip to the mall but now that I am pretty sure we aren't going I'm not super worried about getting them sold asap. I'll still show them here cause they came out so cute!! But maaaaan I really thought that stuff was going pretty alright for once. :/ Fingers crossed that stuff gets better.
Mood: Happy
I am so excited!!! So this Thursday I get to go to the Mall!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!! I also made a cute character today. I traded them to my friend. :) They are a cybercore dog! I'm also getting the other Sanrio Miku figure in the mail! :3 Weird side note: I think my mouse is dying on me. So sad cause I really like this mouse. I've also gotten back into playing Pokemon Violet. I really like shiny hunting in that game. :3 Also, pic of the cybercore dog that is made below
Mood: Okay
Hi guys! Hope yall are doing well! I've been doing alright. I finally got a few commissions again (it's so nice to have money omg)! I also got the other christmas gift from Mick and omg it is so cute!!! Like... LOOK AT HER!!!! SHE IS SO PRETTY!!!! I helped Mark fix the oven today and we played Roblox! I've been play a lot of Roblox lately cause I really want a Hello Kitty UGC (I GOT IT BTW). That's all I can think of to talk about for now lol.
Mood: Happy
Happy December!! Hope yall had a good November! I have been playing Splatoon 3 for most of the day cause today is BIG RUN!!! I've been having a bit more fun with Splatoon as of late so I kinda want to play it more! ALSO, My hairclips that I was waiting on finally came in!!! They are so cute!! I also am selling off one of my anime figures so I can get my bf a Christmas gift.
Mood: Happy
Hi! Hope yall are doing well! I've been doing pretty good as of late other than the fact that I have been going to bed at 8 in the morning. We had a friend come over to visit and we also went to the arcade today! Sadly, some of the games took my points and wouldn't let me play. :( I also brought one a my peepys with me so I could take pics. Then when we got home Mark made Shakshuka. All around a pretty good day. ALSO my hairclips that my mom got me finally shipped so I will show pics when they come in.
Mood: Happy
Hi! It's been about a week since I lasted wrote here. Not a ton has been going on really. Haven't really done anything or gotten anything in the mail. I think the only thing I have to updated on is the I got back into drawing again! So that's pretty cool! I spent like about 6 hours trying to figure out what I wanted to do will this drawing (pain) but I finished it! It came out pretty cute so I am happy. Hopefully next time I write I will have more to talk about lol.
Mood: Happy
I got so much cute stuff in the mail over the past few days! I got my My Melody BAB and the Deep Cut Splatoon Amiibos! Also, HAPPY SPLATFEST! This splatfest has been pretty fun so far! I also won my first 100x Battle!! (I am so cool now :3c) It also took me a few hours but I got all the Deep Cut gear! I also have another gift from my mom coming in the mail. It's a Ehlers Danlos syndrome bunny. EDS is actually something that runs in my family. (I still haven't been tested for it yet. I don't have health insurance) Not only does it run in my family but my BF also has it. (crazy right???)
Mood: Okay
I didn't draw anything. All I have been doing was playing Animal Crossing. I just really want my island to look cute. I feel like I don't want to work on anything else. :/ My My Melody BAB should be here soon so that's cool! I also finally got Sasha on my AC Island! They are so cute!!! I also have been having a bit of a hard time figuring out what kinds theme I want for my island. Citycore Pastel Lovecore Kidcore is kinda what I have going on but I feel like I need to just pick one or two. IDK! I'll prob post pics on here when I have more of the island done or something.
Mood: Fine
Hey, guys! How's it going? Hope yall are good! I'm doing pretty alright today! I've been playing a lot of Animal Crossing. It's one of those games I turn to when I get super burnt out. I guess it's not really that I am burnt out but more like not having motivation to draw personal art. Like if I got commission work I would be fine but I guess I just don't really feel like working on anything for myself. IDK?? I guess part of it might be cause I haven't gotten any commission work in a bit. It feeling like I don't have anything to work on. Like I'm not mad about it, I understand that for a lot of people money is tight rn. Maybe I should just push through it and make some personal art or something. It could help me feel a bit better. You can commission me here if you want I guess??
Mood: Happy
So yesterday I got one of my christmas gifts early!!! IT IS SO CUTE OMG!!! (it also came with a free bag) I know that he isn't going to see this but THANK YOU AGAIN MICK!! I'll take pics and put them under the entry so you guys can see! :3 Other than getting a gift early yesterday we when shopping so we could get stuff for shakshouka. It came out so good (Mark is always so good at cooking). I also should be getting a gift from my mom in the mail soon. She pre-ordered me a few hair claws (they are horror themed). I also have the My Melody Build-A-Bear coming in the mail! I keep thinking "Man! I should join a webring or something haha" but I am too nervus to ask. Maybe one day I will.
Mood: Fine
Been slowly working updating and adding a few things to the website (mostly adding plushie pics and working on a page about my bf). It is nice to finally get some of this stuff done. I forgot to bring this up before but I modded my 3DS!! >:3c I've also been working on redoing part of my ACNH island.
Mood: Happy
Hey guys! How's it going? I have been pretty good! I finally sat down and watch some anime that I have been meaning to watch. I watched Serial Experiments Lain and Chobits! They are both pretty good!! I picked up 3 of the 4 Lain DVDs at Goodwill a bit ago. One of the DVDs had stickers in it! (so cool!!) I also got to go to Five and Below a few days ago so I could buy some of the new Gloomy Bear stuff and some sanrio blind bags!
Mood: Okay
Man! I have been so burnt out again. I really wanted to do a bunch of fun stuff this month but I couldn't even get the halloween costume I wanted. This month really felt like just every other month. :( I started crocheting again to help with the burnout. I made a cat hat and some leg warmers. I am still pretty new to crocheting but I think it is pretty fun. We also went to the Goodwill Outlet recently and I found some pretty cool stuff! I found some Hello Kitty stuff and some SUPER cute overalls!
Mood: Good
Hey, everyone! Hope yall are well! I have been just mostly relaxing and play roblox with my bf and some of our friends! Also omg I didn't think that my giveaway would have THAT many people interested!! WTH???? I thought only like 10 people would enter but like 50???? Damn! It really means a lot to know that people are intrested in my art! :3
Mood: Good
Hi again! Happy October!!!! I am so happy that it is finally October! I love fall weather so much. It is just so cozy! I have been feeling a bit better as of late! I have been working on art again. Making art is one of the few things that I have that make me happy so it is nice to be able to do it again. Also sorry these post...updates??? are always all over the place. I kinda just write whatever is on my mind at the time. That's also prob why I don't write these everyday cause 90% of the time I am thoughtless. Something else I could bring up is that I am doing a vtuber model giveaway.
Mood: Okay
Been feeling a bit better as of late. I still have that feeling but I am doing better rn. I have been working on updating the site so yeah. This page has music rn so that's p cool! I still feel like I have so much more to do for the site. I gotta add more art and update stuff hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I start working on one thing then I'm like haha what if I worked on this. Side Note: I like beetles now. They are so cute?!?! I wasn't sure how to work this in to a post hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Mood: Okay
Man! Sorry updates are always so slow haha. I have been on an Animal Crossing kick so that is pretty much the only thing I have been doing. My mental health hasn't been that great so I have been using Animal Crossing to cope I guess or something like that. Idk. I have also been feeling super lonely again. On another note! It's almost October! I still haven't gotten my Halloween costume yet but I am still saving up for it! I also got to go to Spirit Halloween a few days ago and I L O V E some of the stuff they have this Halloween! Can't wait to have some extra cash so I can get something. :3c
I'll also try to update/add some stuff before I get burnt out again.
Mood: Meh
Hey, it's been a bit! Hope yall are doing well! Sorry I haven't been on here much I just burnt myself out really bad. In other news, I just celebrated mine and my bf's 4 year anniversary! So that is pretty cool! We didn't really do much cause we didn't have any cash at the time but we are doing something on Tuesday! Also is it just me or is this splatfest even more toxic than the last one???
Mood: Okay
I am feel much better today! Mark and I talked and now we are good. :3 I also finished my Halloween vtuber model! (I can't wait to uses it omg) I kinda feel like streaming today idk why but maybe I will?? I could maybe work on my next YCH?? Maybe??? Idk.
Mood: Sad
Today really could have been better. Mark got mad at me today. :( He was mad cause I kept interrupting him. I relly didn't mean to either, I just got excited talking about something. I said I was sorry to but now I still feel bad. I also had to spend all the money I had left on food. The plan was that Mark would pay half and I would pay half. I told him that since he doesn't have the money right now that I will pay for all and he could pay me back. It feels like he ignored that I said that and when I said that I hope I get more commission money so that I can save it for if we need it he said passive-aggressive that I could just save it for food and what would I need to save it for. :( Just all around not a good day. Other than that I was playing Splatfest and it really hasn't been that much fun. Like I have only been play my team and that makes it so boring.
Mood: Could be better
One of the few times I actually dreamed and it makes me wake up crying. My lttile pp brain was like, "I know you are sleeping and having a good time but haha...TRAMA!" I'm feeling better now but DAMN what a way to wake up.
Mood: Okay
Hey! It's been a bit! I have been pretty busy (not true). I have been pretty burnt out but I am feeling a bit better now! I'm not back to feeling fully myself yet but I am doing a bit better. Updates Updates Updates! I got the Ouioui that I wanted! I pulled the melon one myself then traded a super nice person on discord for the strawberry cow one! (⁀ᗢ⁀) Other than that I have been working on art commissions and updating the site. I'm actually pretty happy with how everything is coming together!
I am so burnt out omg. Like I am super happy that people like and want my art but I feel like I haven't really had any time to breath. So I am taking a small break cause if I don't my brain is going to fry. I've been play some roblox (I haven't sat down and played it since 2018?? and before that like the 2010s). A lot has changed and yet not at the same time??? I don't know? I guess my brain is already fried.
I DID IT!!!! I bought the OuiOui Blind Boxes! I could only buy 2 boxes but that's okay. They also sold out in only 30 mins. CRAZY! I'm super glad I woke up early cause I would have not gotten them if I didn't. I also bought some pins and ummmmmmmmm I didn't see that it ships from The Netherlands haha oops! Σ(゜゜) Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get here. I also got my BF an anniversary gift cause I found him something that he would like(shoutout to my friend Mick for helping me get it for him!!). Our anniversary isn't till Sept. but I had to buy it before it sold out. On another note...I don't know why but I really started missing Halloween today. I started listening to Halloween music and made a cute Halloween character. I guess I just miss watching horror movies and wearing a cute costume and going to Halloween store. I SHOULD GET A GHOSTFACE MASK AND PAINT IT TO MATCH MY ROOM OMG!!! Like I would wear the shit out of a pink ghostface mask and I would look SO CUTE!!! (─‿‿─)
So hyperfixation talk for a sec...ITEMLABEL OUIOUI SERIES X DROP IS TOMORROW!!!!!! So my game play is to wake up about 30 min. before the drop (2pm est) then, I wait. If everything goes well then I will buy 2 boxes. If I don't pull the two OuiOuis that I want then I will trade for the ones I am looking for. (image of the ones I am looking for below) Okay okay... now for life update. I finshed the commission for VGen and also another commission I got after. I have been kinda putting off working on the audio for the video cause I am SUPER burnt out. Other than that I got some earrings from my mom in the mail and I started selling merch again.
HAHA Hi! It has been a bit haha. So I have mostly been working on editing audio for my BF's upcoming video on the N64 so I haven't really been on here much. Celebpy came in the mail today and they are SUPER CUTE!! I also have something pretty big to share... I JUST GOT COMMISSIONED BY VGEN!?!? Like the people that run the site that I do commissions on commissioned ME???? I am freaking out right now HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I have only worked with a few businesses before so this is super exciting!! Like it feels so nice to know that people like my art and see value in it! I also can't stress enough how thankful I am for all the people who support me and my work. I'm not sure if people read these "blogs" but like for real it really mean so much to me. So if you are reading this...Thank you for like the content that I make! I will try my best to keep making more!!! (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Mood: Neutral
I've been working on audio a lot so I haven't really gotten to make much in the way of art. ALTHOUGH I did get some art the other day and it made me SO HAPPY OMG!!! You can click here to see it!! I also plan on updating my art gallary. ૮₍ ˶• ༝ •˶ ₎ა
Mood: Happy
Angelpy came in!! They are so cute!! Other than that not much is going on today. We have a friend visiting right now so that's cool. I think I want to start using kaomoji more. I used to use them all the time when I was like 10. I got made fun of for using them but you know what idc anymore so I'm going to use them again! They are funny and can be more expressive than other emotes! (´• ω •`)
Mood: Meh
I haven't updated in a little bit so I guess it's overdue! I bought Angelpy and they WERE supposed to come in the mail today but didn't. (so lame) My BF also bought me a Celb Peepy (THANK YOU AGAIN MARK!!). The smoke from the fire in Candida is finally gone from Indy so I can go outside without feeling like my lungs are going to explode. I got some new games (Papa's Freezeria Deluxe, Project DIVA Mega Mix+, and Slime Rancher 2!). I also preordered the Hatsune Miku Sakura Miku Plush Ita Bag (IT IS SO CUTE OMG)! I also made a deal with my BF to edit his audio for his vid in exchange for itemlable plushie! >:3c That's about it...I think.
Mood: Happy
I had a pretty good day today! We got groceries and I got a bunch of yummy snacks! I also got to get sushi! Also the new itemlabel plushies dropped today. I LOVE ANGELPY! They are so cute!!!
Mood: Happy
Pansy came in today! She is so cute! I will say one thing tho I am not a huge fan of the fabric that they used on the ears but other than the she is cute! I also checked my Paypal and I had money from twitch??? So that was cool! :)
Mood: Neutral
Omg! Hi! It's been a few days since I updated my blog... diary... thing. I have been mostly just drawing and uhhhh... nothing else. I was just drawing. I made some pretty cute art tho. I also updated a few things on my page today! I added some of the art I made and took some more pics of my office (or whatever you want to call it). I live my life like a shut-in so I really don't leave the house much so I don't have a lot to talk about. I cleaned my room! So that's pretty cool... I guess.
Mood: Eepy
I WAS ONE EGG OFF OF GETTING TOP 50% FOR BIG RUN! UNREAL! But other than that today was pretty good! I got a commission done and I made some personal art! It was nice getting to make art for myself for once. Mark also bought us some McDonalds. The mood of the day is eepy cause I tring not to pass out like all day. Idk why but I was just so tired today. We are leave the house tomorrow so if I find some cool stuff I might share on here.
Mood: Neutral
Today is the last day for Big Run
Mood: Neutral
Finished another commission today! (yippee!!) I am about $10 away from buying Strawberry Pansy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fingers crossed that I get one more commission so then I can buy her!
Mood: Neutral
I spent most of to day drawing and "coding". I made some pretty cute stuff for the page so that was cool. I also got some money in so that was nice. I am still about $30 short of getting Strawberry Pansy. I hope I get some more commissions before she sells out cause I am not going to pay $200 for her after she is gone. I don't have that kind of money! I hope you guys like all the stuff I have been making for the page. I have been working super hard on it!!
Mood: Happy
I had a pretty good day today! I went to the international market today and got some milk tea, calbee pizza chips, and some cakes from the bakery! The market next to it wasn't open today so we didn't go in but I wasn't that sad about that. Then when I came home I made more stuff for my web page and worked on commissions. (I got all of them done today!!! I am so cool) I hope that I can save up enough for Strawberry Pansy! (Honeylambs Plush) SHE IS SO CUTE!! I NEED HER IN MY LIFE!!!
Mood: Okay
Not a ton to write home about today. We finally got some groceries so that was cool! We also had to ship out a ton of games for Mick today. It was like 60 packages! I also had on a pretty cute outfit today. Other than that stuff I made a few things for my page.
Mood: Eepy
Today we went to all of the Disc Replays in the area. I didn't have that much fun tbh. I was so tired and my tummy hurt almost the whole time. We did find some cool stuff tho so that was cool. I also didn't get to do the gachapon. I haven't gonna one in SO LONG! The ones in Chicago were out of order. Even when we went for my birthday they were out of order. ANYWAYS! I didn't really get anything at Disc but I did get Taco Bell so I guess that was cool.
Mood: Neutral
I have been doing a bit of coding for not only my own page but also for my bf's page. That is mostly the only thing I have been doing since coming back from Chicago. My coding still isn't very good but I am still learning. It's also so hard trying to come up with stuff to add to my page.
I have been thinking about adding shrines and maybe some info on some of my plushies. I have also been checking out other peoples pages and DAMN they are so cute wtf!!! I also learned how to change the font now. (sorry if it is hard to read lol)